----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charlie Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: The Conversion of John C Wright

> On 05/01/2007, at 8:53 AM, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> A conversion by a highly educated and very decided athiest just 
>> seems
>> to be an unusual occurance to me.
> I'd be ordering an MRI... I'm also cynical - people who have
> "dramatic conversions" all too often do very well writing a book and
> talking about them. At the Christian Union I attended, and through
> scripture groups and bible camps, I met many people who had dramatic
> conversions. The one thing they all had in common was that they were
> being paid well to talk to young Christians about it...

Quoting his blog eh?(Or is it that there is an almost identical 
passage on the blog IIRC)
I think it is a healthy sign that he recognizes how crazy it sounds.
I don't find a lot to agree with though (in the religious themed 
sections of his blog).
He gets a bit worked up when someone challanges the actuality of his 
religious visions. And an affinity for extreme right wing politics 
shows up too.


"The much maligned faith of the faithful is not merely the gullibility 
Voltaire and his epigones would have you take on faith he says it is. 
My experience is that secularists are more gullible, in general, than 
religious folkĀ—perhaps I have met too many Marxists to believe in the 
skepticism of the skeptics, or people who think some quota will stop 
race hatred, or that the next election will usher in the utopia. I 
cannot tell you how many people take their newspapers on faith, when 
they know newspapermen are mortal, men who tell lies for pay, but 
scoff that I take the Bible on faith, when I have firm reason to 
believe the authors thereof were inspired men, serious enough in what 
they believed, some of them, to die for it. "

The guy is obviously very smart but at the same time full of crap.

Mystics Maru


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