Original Message:
Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2007 12:33:41 -0800
To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
Subject: Re: Endless Universe Made Possible By New Model

Rob wrote:

> AFAICT it is all meta-physics and only nominally related to reality as
> we know it.
> Like Charlie, I am not a physicist. Unlike Charlie, I have even less
> background to speculate from. So if anyone has even specks that might
> edify me I would be interested. I find the whole idea of "where
> spacetime/reality comes from" to be fascinating, and discussions of
> such to be entertaining.
> Endlessly useless, but entertaining.<G>

>I probably have less expertise than either of you, but though I probably
should just >believe the experts, I can't get rid of my skepticism
concerning the Big Bang.  >Everywhere we look, from the microscopic to the
vastness of space, we see constructs >that are orbital in nature and that
together with other constructs of similar size are >the building blocks for
the next larger construct.  

Actually, atoms, protons, neutrons, pions, etc. are not orbital in nature.  

>Atoms, solar systems, galaxies.  Are we so sure that the galaxies and
other constructs >we observe in space aren't part of some fantastically,
unimaginably large construct >that is itself just one of many?  Isn't it
egotistical to place ourselves at the center >of the universe in this

Why egotistical?  Science is not about uncovering mysteries and truths,
it's about modeling observation.  The Big Bang does a very good job of
that.  There are lotsa cross correlations with other observations, there is
a tremendous amount of data that are consistant with the Big Bang., etc.  

Finally, what if Wheeler is right about the universe. :-)

Dan M. 

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