On 01/02/2007, at 2:13 PM, Robert G. Seeberger wrote:

> IOW, will the daughter universes be as favorable for life as ours, or
> will they be random iterations?

Very tiny, almost unmeasurably small, bits of our universe are  
favourable to life. This whole "fine tuning" set of arguments strikes  
me as looking at the whole thing arse-about-face. Life has done  
pretty well on one planet in the entire universe. Now, there's a  
convincing set of arguments that emergent properties might lead to  
life on many planetary bodies (and the evidence is starting to take  
shape that life may well have moved between bodies in our Solar  
System), but for now, we only know for sure that life exists on one  
planet. Anywhere.

Even most of our planet is bloody dangerous for humans... This  
continent certainly is.


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