At 09:31 AM Friday 4/13/2007, Julia Thompson wrote:
>Martin Lewis wrote:
> > On 4/13/07, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>> Martin is a decent fellow. I think his remarks reflect how things are
> >>> done differently over on Culture and not any sort of personal attack.
> >>> Over yonder folks are expected to add comment to posted news items.
> >>> Austere postings of the sort that are frequent here are viewed as bad
> >>> netiquette.
> >>> It is one example of how the net ethic differs on different lists.
> >> It's generally a good idea to spend some time *observing* how things are
> >> done in a particular place before barging in with habits learned 
> elsewhere.
> >
> >  I think five years of reading Brin-L is long enough to get the idea,
> > to be honest. This isn't about differing netiquette but about what
> > communication actually consists of.
>Thanks for clarifying your intent!
>Ronn! does have the habit of posting bare stuff.  He has occasionally
>been my first source of information on things.  (If I had read brin-l
>that morning *before* anything else, it would have been, in that case.)

FWIW, if you look at the time stamp (and do any necessary conversions 
for your own time zone) I posted that at 4:33 in the morning here 
(Julia is in the same time zone) figuring that some folks (at least 
here in the Western hemisphere time zones) might be like me and not 
heard about it prior to that (having perhaps been asleep during the 
previous several hours and having like many of us gotten up and 
checked their e-mail before turning on the TV news or 
whatever).  Sorry if it was old news to those in perhaps the European 
contingent where by then it would have been mid-morning or later and 
folks might have had time to digest the news and come up with 
appropriate commentary while some of us were still trying to wake up :) . . .

>Then other people respond, or not.
>And then Ronn! posts a wonderfully snarky response to whatever.  I think
>his snark is well worth the wait, personally.  :)

Thank you.  (I choose to take that as a compliment. ;) )  It is also 
a matter of in most cases having to read the "whatever" before 
generating the appropriate snarky response to it, as all too often 
these threads go off in directions no one could predict 
beforehand.  If I think of a comment at the time I may make it (frex 
perhaps had I been the first to post the dinosaur story I might have 
included the reference to the pic from "Science Made Stupid" in that 
initial post) but sometimes (as in this case) nothing initially 
occurs to me except for the desire to share the information with 
those I think might be interested in it and see where things go from 
there.  Also as indicated above depending on the circumstances 
sometimes the brain has to be brought up to speed before it generates 
any useful comments . . .

Those Who Are Thinking That They Have Been Waiting For The Past Ten 
Years Or So For My Brain To Come Up To Speed And Make Any Useful 
Comments To The List Need Not Express That Opinion Maru

-- Ronn!  :)

"Sunrise is Nature's way of telling you it's bedtime." 


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