On 5/24/07, Alberto Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nick Arnett wrote:
> >
> > By letting those who are to blame for their own illnesses just die?
> > ;-) Seriously, though, I'd have a hard time differentiating personal
> > from systemic causes for unhealthly lifestyles when there's so much
> effort
> > invested in advocating them in advertising, marketing and so forth.
> > People are social creatures; it's naive to imagine that some sort of
> > "Just say no" mentality would make all those problems go away.  I'm
> > not saying you're making that argument, but I've certainly heard it.
> >
> There is a big part in parents responsability. Now (partly because
> of economic pressure) I seldom bring my kids to unhealthy foodstores
> like McDonalds, but even when I was less miserable the max was
> 1 MacDonalds per month.
> And there's a very Evil aspect of this: food with trans fat costs
> _much_ less than a similar food without trans fat. If I were
> paranoid, I would suggest that the reason is that Food Companies
> and Medical Companies are owned by the same evil and greedy people.

You raise an interesting and important point.  It is less expensive --
sometimes *much* less expensive -- to each unhealthy foods than it is to eat
healthy.  Maybe instead of subsidizing the military-industrial complex, the
government could subsidize healthy food.  :-)

I'm only half-way kidding.

Mauro Diotallevi
"Hey, Harry, you haven't done anything useful for a while -- you be the god
of jello now." -- Patricia Wrede, 8/16/2006 on rasfc

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