Mauro Diotallevi wrote:
>> And there's a very Evil aspect of this: food with trans fat costs
>> _much_ less than a similar food without trans fat. If I were
>> paranoid, I would suggest that the reason is that Food Companies
>> and Medical Companies are owned by the same evil and greedy people.
> You raise an interesting and important point.  It is less expensive -
> - sometimes *much* less expensive -- to each unhealthy foods than it 
> is to eat healthy.  Maybe instead of subsidizing the military-
> industrial complex, the government could subsidize healthy food.  :-)
Maybe the g*vernments _want_ this to happen. Old rich people sequester
their money and prevent the heirs to expend, so when old rich people
die, there's an inflationary pressure. Old poor people are a burden
to Social Services, because they generate no income and cost a lot.
So, the Maximizer Social Strategy is to let poor people die younger
than rich people.
> I'm only half-way kidding.
Me too - as always.

Alberto Monteiro


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