A prozine doesn't exist outside of the Hugo Awards but yes, they are
considered prozines by the award.  I'm not sure about SF Review
actually since it is a website. By "prozine or any other publication" I
assumed you just meant any publication because I'm not sure what is
special in terms of reviews about the prozines.
I would suggest you make use of the resource in front of you: a list
full of SF fans. I'm sure they can recommend some hard SF for you. Have
you read Egan?  Which hard SF authors do you like?

Hard SF is a mis-nomer; perhaps I should say cutting edge, high tech,
near future, speculative fiction? 
There is no new SF in my library by Greg Egan, and some of his older
novels have been stolen.  This is even a bigger problem with Fantasy
novels, but that is not my concern.  

Here is an incomplete reading list I compiled of some of my favorite
novels (not all SF). 
I also enjoy post apocalyptic, and alt history novels.

Please add your favorite authors, novels and websites:
Jon Mann

Piers Anthony - Macroscope*
Iian Banks - Inversions, Consider Phlebas, The Player
of Games
Michael Bishop - Count Geiger's Blues
Terry Bisson, Fire on the Mountain, Bears Discover
Lois McMcaster Bujold - Falling Free
Octavia Butler - Mind of My Mind, Clay's Ark,
Patternmaster, Wild Seed**, Parable of the Sower
Orson Scott Card - Ender* (series)
Samuel Delany - Dhalgren
Charles De Lint - Trader*, Little Country
Philip Jose Farmer - River World** (series)The
Fabulous Riverboat*
Kathleen Anne Goonan - Queen City Jazz* (trilogy)
Robert Heinlein* - Stranger in a Strange Land**, Moon
is a Harsh Mistress*, Double Star* 
Hermann Hesse - Magister Ludi**, Narcissus and
Daniel Keyes - Flowers for Algernon*
Donald Kingsbury - Courtship Rites*
Jack McDervitt - Infinity Beach
China Mayville - Perdido Street Station
Pat Murphy - The City Not Long After*
Alexi Panshin - Rite of Passage
Marge Piercy -  He She And It**, Woman on the Edge of
H Beam Piper - Little Fuzzy*
Robert Reed - An Exaltation of Larks
Mike Resnick - Kirinyaga
Rudy Rucker - The Hollow Earth, etc.
Tim Robbins -  Jitterbug Perfume*, Even Cowgirls Get
the Blues*, Another Roadside Attraction**
Joanna Russ - The Female Man
Melissa Scott - Shadow Man
Dan Simmons - Hyperion (series)
Cordwainer Smith, The Rediscovery of Man (series)
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash**, Cryptonomicon*
Sherri Tepper - Gibbons Decline and Fall**, The Gate
to Woman's Country
John Varley - Persistence of Memory*.
Vernor Vinge - A Deepness in the Sky* (trilogy)
Chelsa Quinn Yarbro - False Dawn*
Robert Charles Wilson - Harvest
SF Fandon:
Bimbos of the Death Star 
Zombies of the Gene Pool

Roger McBride Allen - Orphan of Creation
Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, The God Delusion
Stephan J Gould - Panda's Thumb
Oliver Sacks - Anthropologists on Mar

Author addendum: 
Doug Adams, Brian Aldiss, Poul Anderson, Kage BAKER,
JG Ballard, Steve Barnes, Stephen Barrett, Stephen
BAXTER, Greg Bear, Gregory Benford, Alfred Bester,
James Blaylock, Ben Bova, John BRUNNER,  Steven Brust,
Algis Budrys, Jack Dann, Philip K DICK, Tom Disch,
Greg Egan, Robert Forward, Wm GIBSON, Joe & Jack
HALDEMAN, Peter Hamilton,  James Hogan, Henry Kuttner,
RA Lafferty, Ursula LeGuin, Ian MacDonald, Vonda
McIntyre, Geo RR Martin, Larry Niven, Frederick Pohl,
Jerry Pournelle, Tim Powers, Alastair REYNOLDS,
Stanley Robinson, Spider Robinson, Pam Sargeant,
Robert Sawyer, Chas Sheffield, Lewis Shiner, Lucius
Shepard, Robert Silverberg, Clifford
Simak, Bruce Sterling, SM STIRLING, Charles STROSS,
Theodore STURGEON, Michael Swanick, Harry Turtledove,
Jack Vance, Vernor VINGE, Connie WILLIS, et al...
The Grandmasters Asimov, Bradbury and Clarke et al...

The SF Encyclopedia, & The Fantasy
by Peter Nicholls, & John Clute

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