my point is that any conclusion that we are unique in the unimaginable
vastness that is the universe for lack of evidence overestimates the
utility of our perspective.
Doug Pensinger

Well, we are going to be unique in the universe. Evolution isn't going
to follow the same path twice (if snowflakes are all unique, then
intelligent life, which is much rarer, will be unique to a greater
degree...) However, most atheists I know who have any sort of science  
education reckon it's probable that there are many inhabited worlds in
the universe.

Certainly.  It's always important to consider how much you might not
know.  That doesn't mean you need to pre-assume anything about what you
don't know, however.  (The whole "don't count your alien chickens
before they are zygotes in a thick shell" thing, you know?)  I'm all
for exploring the unknown--  projects like SETI and the Hubble
telescope and 
whatnot.  I just think we all have to admit that thus far results have
been pretty scarce to come by and if we *seem* right now to be alone
inthe universe.

Certainly we don't seem quite up to the challenge at the moment, but if
Kurzweil's tracking for the upcoming singularity is correct we may
haveto sink or swim sooner than we think...  (At GDC Kurzweil
apparently said that those that can live to 2015 may probably live
"forever", I only wish I had been there to see his charts...)
--Max Battcher-

i hope he is right, but just in case, i plan to be freeze dried, and
keep all my organs for a tissue match!~}  
i also am skeptical about intelligent life in the universe (because of
the drake equations and the fermi paradox) but if there is other
intelligent life out there, it has probably transcended into the
singularity, which would explain how we missed their brief emissions
--jon mann

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