On 26/02/2008, at 2:32 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> Charlie wrote:
>> Well, we are going to be unique in the universe. Evolution isn't  
>> going
>> to follow the same path twice (if snowflakes are all unique, then
>> intelligent life, which is much rarer, will be unique to a greater
>> degree...) However, most atheists I know who have any sort of science
>> education reckon it's probable that there are many inhabited worlds  
>> in
>> the universe.
> I meant unique as in the only instance of intelligent life.

I know that's what you meant. And I know of no non-religious person  
who expounds that view. I was explaining both why you were both right  
and very wrong at the same time.

The only people I've ever heard express the view that we must be  
unique were creationists (who also happened to be geocentrists, ie  
totally deluded...).



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