Doug Pensinger wrote:
> I've been on this list for over 10 years and the discussions here 
> have certainly gotten heated at times, but it very seldom 
> degenerates into name calling etc.  
That's not true. You are a liar! Can't you remember the four
listmembers that were banned in the past because of that?
You are a Inner Party Member, and you want to cancel those

> Less so now that most of the 
> conservatives have gone into hiding 8^).
Banned. They were banned. The extremists on _both_ sides
were banned.

BTW, on a similar note, in another list that I participate,
when there was that episode of the Muhammad cartoons, and
everybody was preaching free speech, one listmember got
"out of the closet" and started spewing naziphilic holocaust
denial ideas. He chose the right moment to strike, because
it would be contradictory to blame the muslims for their
fanaticism and then apply censorship to the nazi.

Alberto Monteiro

PS: oops, I used nazi, muslims and name-calling in the same
post. Am I going to get banned? :-)


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