On May 7, 2008, at 4:38 AM, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

> That's not true. You are a liar! Can't you remember the four
> listmembers that were banned in the past because of that?
> You are a Inner Party Member, and you want to cancel those
> unpersons!
>> Less so now that most of the
>> conservatives have gone into hiding 8^).
> Banned. They were banned. The extremists on _both_ sides
> were banned.

It may well be that you are speaking with tongue in cheek, Alberto,
but in my four or so years on this list, AFAICT, banning is extremely

And it's a damn good thing, too, because I know that I have posted in
anger and would have been subject to banishment on a list with a less
(shall we say) liberal approach.

Some of the conservatives who once participated actively on this list
still pop up from time to time (consider this a shout-out to Gautam),
but are mostly quiet these days because Barack Obama hasn't been elected



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