While I see far more to dislike about John McCain than
there is to like... his history of vicious anger, the
fact that he never administered more than 60 men,
once, for a year and did badly, the fact that he has
always acted like an
entitled-though-oedepally-frustrated son of a high
achieving father (sound familiar?)...

...I admit that there are some likeable traits too. 
Like his willingness to occasionally part from the
standard (and completely insane) neoconservative party
line.  NOWHERE enough to be called a "maverick" alas.

Which is the chief point.  Though he has edged away
from Bush, he would appoint at least 50% the same
monsters who have been crushing the US civil service
for 8 years, preventing the FBI from investigating
corruption, the SEC from investigating Wall Street
scams, the EPA from enforcing the law, the FDA from
vetting drugs... while giving no-bid contracts to
cronies and bankrupting our kids... ALL of these are
crimes by conservative standards, BTW

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