Warren Ockrassa said the following on 11/12/2008 10:33 PM:
> To me it seems that there's no real reason, if you're so motivated, to  
> continue attacking the GOP. It's in the middle of its own self- 
> destruction. A better approach might be to talk to the moderates, the  
> centrist Republicans, who are very much like centrist Dems such as  
> Obama, and are quite as horrified by Palin as many others are, and  
> start trying to heal some breaches rather than continuing to hammer at  
> the idea of "them" (whoever they are) being "wrong" (whatever that  
> means).

I agree, Warren.  The "left" should talk to the moderate Republicans and
old-style (pro-business/small-government) Republicans and ignore
everyone else until they are willing to sit down and have a real

If we give an eye-for-an-eye against the neoconservatives and radical
religious right we will only feed into their program of hate/fear.  I'd
much rather let them stew in their own juices and continue demonstrating
to the rest of the U.S. just how out of touch they are.


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