On 22 Apr 2009, at 19:32, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

The Brin-L weekly chat has been a list tradition for over ten
years. (...)

BTW, about the chat we had two weeks ago, I think I know the
confusion about Heroes. What I was calling "Season 4" (not aired
nowhere) was the "Book 4". "Book 3" finished a long time ago, I
think they are showing "Book 4", but I missed all episodes, since
I thought they were reprising.

I got my satellite DVR upgraded to HD just before we went to Prague last week so now I'm watching Heroes, 24, Bones, Lost and others in HD with Dolby Surround Sound. Very nice.

On the first leg of our journey (to Paris) we flew on an Embraer 190 which was very comfortable and quiet. The Air France stewardesses were very nice and the sandwich was smoked salmon. The second leg (Paris -> Prague) was on a Czech Airlines 737-400 which was cramped and noisy and the sandwich was cheese, turkey and cabbage.

Not sauerkraut Maru


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