On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Bruce Bostwick <lihan161...@sbcglobal.net>wrote:
> And one other unintended consequence of the Fairness Doctrine is that the
> "expert" for the "other viewpoint" is often given the illusion of a level of
> legitimacy that he/she would never have had without that national media
> exposure, which can in turn make it far more difficult to counter that
> argument than it really should be from the actual validity of the argument
> itself.

Um, that's not an "other" consequence, that is the very consequence I meant.

And yes, big media is on the decline, thanks to the inexpensive availability
of many other points of view via the Internet.  That's the topic of the
paper I wrote that led to my friendship with David Brin, in fact.  I made a
comparison of the printing press v. the Church of Rome to the Internet v.
Big Media, for the second Web conference.  It is good to see it continuing
to come true, as much as I empathize with my friends and former colleagues
in publishing.


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