Hello Jasvir,

as you seem very familiar with Python, C++ and Qt I can recomend to have a look at the FreeCAD project proposals, as the program builds heavily on those technologies. Therefore it should be easy for you to find your way around. If you are also interested in web applications this project may be interesting for you: http://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=IPython_notebook_integration, but also have a look at the other proposals: http://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=Google_Summer_of_Code

If you are interested in working with us feel free to come over to our forum an introduce yourself!


>Hi all, I am Jasvir Singh Grewal. I am a graduate student at CSU Long
>Beach, CA and I am feeling very excited to introduce myself to BRL CAD
>community members. Basically I am from India and started graduate
>studies in last fall. I have been working on open source technologies
>since 3.5 years and I love that. From last 2.5 years, I have been
>working on Django, Python, C++ and Qt. Most of the time I work on web
>applications and now I am trying my hands on web security. I hope that
>we all will learn from each other.
>Thank You
>Jasvir Singh Grewal
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