Dne 06.03.2018 v 13:46 Dave Mielke napsal(a):
You've given me an idea. I wonder what you, and others, think of it:

Brltty could have a setting (or maybe it should jsut do it) to put an on/off
control into a notification. This'd make it easy for a user to turn brltty off
when he/she doesn't want to use a braille device, e.g. when going out
somewhere. Additionally, locking/reawakening the Android device could
automatically turn brltty back on again in case it's turned off by mistake.

Hi, as I'm not targeted user for BRLTTY as I'm not blind, I can't really tell whether it would be useful or not. But from normal user perspective I think it's good idea to have persistent notification informing about running service + having option in BRLTTY settings to optionally disable that notification.

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