Dear developers and users,
I AM very sorry for my out topic question. But because Brltty can also help in those situations, I AM asking you. Does somebody of us know about special build in hod key combination of Linux, which can cause force shutdown in The case, when Linux display error that error read squashfs file system while rebooting from Ubuntu. CTRL+ALT+DEL did not work. And I have read somewhere, that Linux has some build in hod key which can cause force shutdown. Ideal procedure would be, that this routine would securely save cached data to harddisk or if this routine would atleast enable kernel to turn SATA or SCSI drives off. Because I have been forced to apply force shut down by using power button and this is very un soft to The harddisk heads. But I did not have other choice. Since Ubuntu kernel contain special module, which is causing harddrive heads to move constantly and The only one possibility toavoid Ubuntu from doing that is to use build in DISKS utility and activate button sleep harddrive. But I could not do that in The stage, whereKernel displayed error about reading from squashfs file. And I even could not login to The console. Only one consoles from seven worked but last line of text was bug related to reading. Yes, there was also second virtual console which have contained crucial technical information about timers and syncing. I will try to analyse Ubuntu to determine, which binary module is responsible for detecting various hod keys including CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+ALT+Function key 1 to 12 to switch between various virtual consoles. I will try to consult also Linux kernel developers if it is technically possible to provide routine for secure shutdown when kernel module which is responsible for working with SQUASHFS compressed Linux file system detect bug.
The perfect was, that even this stage, Brltty have worked for Me.
I will also try to please kernel developers, if it would not be good idea to include shutdown algorithm for secure harddisk shutdown in The case, when media, which have been used for booting The system have been disconnected or if it is causing non solvable I/O errors.
Any help will be very welcomed.

Tato zpráva byla zkontrolována na viry programem Avast Antivirus.

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