On 03/18/2017 01:37 PM, awake...@tutanota.de wrote:
> I sense deep treachery however.

What you "sense" is a conspiracy theory, and it's ridiculous. IceCat is
not important in the grand scheme of things for anyone who isn't a libre
software supporter, so there is no cause for a conspiracy. Further,
there is no evidence for a conspiracy. What you are seeing is nothing
more than user dissatisfaction. It's not just here, either; similar
dissatisfaction has been expressed on the Trisquel forum.

Personally, I think it would be great if both of these projects could be
handed off to someone else. After all, Ruben is clearly overworked.
However, this is an imperfect world and there don't seem to be any takers.

Also, even the FSF supports building software for Windows.

Anyway, please stop flooding my inbox with screeching about your
conspiracy theories. That is not what I am subscribed to this mailing
list for.

Julie Marchant

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