Samuel Thibault, le dim. 19 avril 2020 21:22:02 +0200, a ecrit:
> Almudena Garcia, le dim. 19 avril 2020 21:16:11 +0200, a ecrit:
> > Thanks, I'll read It. The idea is to create a pet translator, and learn how 
> > to
> > make calls to other translators
> You don't necessarily need to write a translator to "call" another
> translator.

Put another way: personally I have never actually written a translator
or followed a tutorial to do so. That does not prevent me from using
translators, and fixing or extending them. Sure, I have read about RPCs
etc. I recommend watching
(not good audio unfortunately)

What I mean is that learning how to write a complete translator is long,
and you probably don't need that much at all for your goals.


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