Ok. In any case, I need to know the "API" of ACPI translator, and how to
raise the RPC to set the communication.
Where can I find this information?

El lun., 20 abr. 2020 a las 20:21, Samuel Thibault (<samuel.thiba...@gnu.org>)

> Almudena Garcia, le lun. 20 avril 2020 19:58:11 +0200, a ecrit:
> > > Telling the kernel how it should behave does not have to be done by a
> > > translator, it can be a mere program as well.
> >
> > But, how can I run this program automatically in the system boot?
> > If I run the program as a service (sysvinit service), this can be
> dependant of
> > the distribution (in this case, Debian), is not?
> Yes. But that's the same for the Mach console configuration, configuring
> the network, starting X, etc.
> > And this approach doesn't seems very secure.
> Do not confuse "secure" and "robust" :)
> A lot of things get configured and started from sysvinit etc. Personally
> I find it more explicit and thus approachable by users than e.g. the
> exec/proc/startup translators that get automagically started at
> bootstrap :)
> Almudena Garcia, le lun. 20 avril 2020 20:11:40 +0200, a ecrit:
> > > Are there any other way to "hang" a program of Hurd without create a
> > > translator?
> > Excuse me. My idea is to raise this program from Hurd (with "hang" I'm
> not
> > referring to "crash")
> Making it a program start by an initialization script looks reasonable
> enough to me.
> It could also be a translator in that it could expose files to control
> the multi-processor, e.g. enable/disable cores etc., like the hurd
> console client exposes /dev/vcs to have some control over it, but for me
> that's really secondary compared to just enabling SMP.
> Samuel

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