On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 10:22 AM Bruno Haible <br...@clisp.org> wrote:
> Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> > I believe MacOS maps /etc and /tmp to a private area for the user.
> > They are not world readable/writable. I believe Apple did it for
> > hardening.
> >
> > Here's from a MacOS X 10.5 machine I have:
> >
> >     $ ls -l /etc /tmp
> >     lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root  wheel  11 Feb 10  2015 /etc -> private/etc
> >     lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 root  wheel  11 Feb 10  2015 /tmp -> private/tmp
> /tmp is world-writable, of course:
> $ ls -lLd /etc /tmp
> drwxr-xr-x@ 124 root  wheel  3968 27 Jun 01:25 /etc
> drwxrwxrwt@   8 root  wheel   256 18 Jul 14:38 /tmp

I believe Apple creates a copy of /etc, /var and /tmp for the user.
Then, writes occur to the private area the OS provides to the user. I
don't believe users are allowed to write directly to those
directories. In the old days it happened because of NetBoot. Nowadays
it's because of Apple's System Integrity Protection.

Also see 
and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Integrity_Protection .


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