On Sat, Jan 05, 2013 at 10:22:41AM +0200, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> One other thing: when I run the test suite on MS-Windows, it skips
> some tests:

Indeed, it skips the long tests and the tests that requires latex2html
or tex4ht and are not reproducible.

To run the long tests, you can launch the tests with

  make check ALL_TESTS=yes

I advise against running the latex2html/tex4ht related tests.

But it also seems that the tests in tp/ were not run, I guess because
you don't have the prerequisites.  This should be visible in the 
configure output.

The prerequisite for the main tests are Test::More; 
File::Basename;  File::Copy;  Data::Dumper;  Data::Compare; 
Test::Deep; Storable qw(dclone).

(Most are more or less standard, except for Test::Deep; Data::Compare).

You also need to have 'prove' installed.

For Pod::Simple::Texinfo tests, you also need Pod::Simple::PullParser.


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