On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 08:38:53PM +0200, Paul de Weerd wrote:
> Hi all,
> Last year in May, i wrote to bugs@ about vmm VMs having slow time[1].
> Mike Larkin replied that this was a known issue[2], so I mostly
> ignored it, thinking things would improve over time.  And indeed they
> have: these days, the play VM I have on my home workstation runs time
> at normal speed.
> So I set about building another VM on another machine.  Here time
> seems to run slower again, but I don't really understand why.  Of
> course, the hardware of the host machines differs; my workstation uses
> an i7-4770, the server with the slow VM runs on a Xeon E31260L, full
> dmesgs at the end of this mail.
> I noticed that the VM on the Xeon runs at 100% interrupt according to
> top / systat, but then found out the VM on the i7 is (almost) the
> same, this one runs at 80-90% interrupt.
> Then I noticed that the interrupt rate on the i7 guest is half that of
> the Xeon guest:


-proxy- ~> uptime
 2:20PM  up 229 days, 15:39, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

that VM has been up for 229 days and the clock has drifted less than 3
seconds over that time. Use tsc.


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