On 2013-03-08 10:19, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 08/03/2013 01:48, David Holmes wrote:
Not sure which is best list for this given Alan will likely be the only reviewer anyway :)

Webrevs under:

As further background to others, the reverting of the $ substitution became possible when Nashorn removed $ from its generated classes [1].

I've looked through the changes and they look really good to me. Putting $< in single quotes to avoid shell expansion is the solution that I could not find when adding the de-beaning recipes a few months ago. It's great to see PROFILE_4 renamed to FULL_JRE and is also great to remove the redundant sub-packages from the include lists. For profiles-rtjar-includes then I think it makes it much more readable and maintainable. Two minor inconsistencies: the sub-packages of javax.naming are listed and com/sun/jndi/ has a trailing slash.

One probable side effect of removing the redundant sub-packages will be the javadoc. The one case to date where we didn't list sub-packages is java.time (because there are still changes going on there) and that the result is that the sub-packages of java.time don't show up in the profiles view. I created 8008367 a few weeks for that and I suspect that once these changes are pushed that the profiles view will be very incomplete. I don't think this should be a reason to hold off your changes as the profiles view isn't right now anyway. Hopefully Bhavesh will get to this soon.

I think Erik should review this too as it's important that the build changes in jdk8/tl will merge easily with changes going into jdk8/build.


[1] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/tl/nashorn/rev/fe5211fc3114

Looks good to me and thanks again for cleaning up that $ business. I do not think this will conflict with anything coming from jdk8/build.


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