On 08/03/2013 11:28, David Holmes wrote:

Now I'm a little concerned. I had not considered whether javac/javadoc considered these to be complete lists. They have to know how to combine the includes at a low-level with the excludes of a higher-level - and potentially vice-versa.
I think javac should be okay, and you can easily test this by trying to compile with "javac -profile compact<N> ..." on a test that references types in one of these sub-packages. There are tests in the langtools repo for this too and it would be good to check ProfileOptionTest to see if need more sub-tests to cover a few sample types from these sub-packages.

So I think the issue will be just the docs build and you can quickly check that too. To date we've only seen it with java.time because that was the one case where only the top-most API package was listed. I'm pretty sure the issue is in the standard doclet, in which case I think pushing your changes are okay. The only complication is that there is another issue with the generated docs and that is default view is the Profiles view so it is very confusing until you hit the "All Packages" link.


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