After several people checking the area, it appears the stuck mic is in an area 
center near Memorial and Highway 6. 
Mike HardwickN5VCX

    On Friday, June 16, 2023 at 02:12:15 PM CDT, Chris Medlin 
<> wrote:  
 <!--#yiv1489358160 filtered {}#yiv1489358160 filtered {}#yiv1489358160 
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li.yiv1489358160MsoNormal, #yiv1489358160 div.yiv1489358160MsoNormal 
{margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv1489358160 
span.yiv1489358160EmailStyle18 {font-family:"Calibri", 
sans-serif;color:windowtext;}#yiv1489358160 .yiv1489358160MsoChpDefault 
{font-size:10.0pt;}#yiv1489358160 filtered {}#yiv1489358160 
div.yiv1489358160WordSection1 {}-->
Thanks mike. I heard the phone ringing in the background too… im near 1093 and 
99 in cinco ranch west and I couldn’t hear anything on the input. Great 
investigative work!
I work 100% remote and when im not in meetings I typically have the volume up. 
Monday im moving to the area of university and hwy 6 in mo city.  Im typically 
always around if you ever need to recruit some ears.
From: BVARC <> On Behalf OfMike Hardwick via BVARC
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2023 2:03 PM
Cc: Mike Hardwick <>
Subject: [BVARC] 146.940 Repeater Problems and Repeater Operation
Currently the repeater is turned off due to a stuck mic. The problem started 
just before noon and the Stir Crazy NET and is still happening after two hours. 
It appears the offender is in the SW Houston area somewhere between Westpark 
and Interstate 10, and between Interstate 610 and Highway 6 area. 
It does appear to be a base station since there is no mobile fluttering and 
there has been a telephone heard in the background several times.  
If anyone knows of somebody in that area that has base station, please give 
them a call and have them check their microphone. 
Over the past couple of weeks, stuck microphones have happened several times.
The is a great example of why everyone should set the time-out-timers on their 
radios to prevent this from happening. 
Hopefully this will clear up soon. 
Mike Hardwick, N5VCX
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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