On 07/30/2007 04:58 PM, Robert Citek wrote:
> One of the students got DSL via ATT.  So, I'm trying it out myself.
> I'll post what I discover.

My notes so far:

2Wire router setup
- connect power to router
- if necessary, reset to clear settings (see below)
- connect ethernet cable to router
- connect ethernet to computer
- enable DCHP on computer (need more details here)
- connect phone cord to router
- plug phone cord into data side of phone filter
- plug filter into phone jack in wall

Router configuration
- open browser to
- enter a system password
- click next (see below if error page appears)
- run setup wizard:
- enter key (provided by ISP?)
- enter time zone
- enter ppp authentication info (provided by ISP?)
- connection

If an error page appears, then there seems to be a bug in the router
software.  Click on the address bar (File > Open Location) and press enter.

To reset the router to factory defaults, press and hold the small reset
button on the back of the router for about 10 seconds.

Can we test this setup using the DSL connection at BWorks?  I realize
we'll loose network connectivity for the rest of the shop during the
test, but at least I can know the setup works before the computer and
router go out the door.

- Robert

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