I love a good star promenade and butterfly whirl, but there are inherent
issues that crop up at almost every dance.  First and foremost is the
experienced dancers who are too busy doing their "flourishes" to actually
do the appropriate move (and are thereby teaching inexperienced dancers
that the flourish is more important and more fun than the actual move) or
to do it at the appropriate time and who just flat out don't understand how
important it is to help the other dancers.  Callers are also part of the
problem.  They almost never teach dancers that there is very little
waiting/standing in a contra or square dance, even if someone else is doing
the move [Think of baseball fielders beginning to move as the pitcher is
making the release...even though they have no diea wher the ball is going
to be hit].  As to the star promenade/butterfly whirl, the non-allemander
(now there's a word) should be moving before the person he/she is going to
promenade with gets there.  This happens on other moves as well--think of
all the 20 beat heys you've encountered.  We should also consider
counseling new/inexperienced dancers that the music will help them to know
when to terminate a move and begin the next, and that stopping early is
almost always better than stopping late.  I mentioned this at a dance
recently where I was calling and some of the dancers applauded. Callers can
also help by making the call before the move, which we all know we should
be doing anyway (though we all sometimes fail to do).  It also very rare
that I hear a caller/instructor remind dancers that if they are late for or
actually miss a move not to worry, but if at all possible to get on to the
next move in time.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Bob Green <bobgr...@swbell.net> wrote:

> > All that's a long build-up to:  Anybody got hints for briefly and
> > effectively
> > teaching a *good* star promenade?  (Not just the geography - that's easy
> > enough
> > - but the dynamics that make it satisfying.)
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > -- Alan
> >
> >
> > -
> >
> Let me look at some of the "Boot Heel Boys" raw video. Jim & John both like
> to sprinkle star promenades into their dances, and particularly when Jim is
> calling, I seem to remember them almost always feeling pretty good. Here
> are some edited ones, but they don't help much with your real question:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFz4U3Y3OEM&feature=player_embedded#!
> http://dancevideos.childgrove.org/contra/contra-modern/193-caveman.html
> Bob
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