On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Aaron Redfern <aaron.redf...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I don't think any dance forces flirtation; some just allow it more than
> others, and there's nothing wrong with having an event that's focused on
> these dances for people who want to seek them out.  It's been done at
> larger festivals like Flurry in the past, and it sounds like that's what
> the original poster intends.

IF a session is billed as flirty, yes, choose it or not, what you read is
what you get.  Anyway, MR's and gypsies are mainstream fare if not as
common as dosido's

Since the OP mentioned it is for Queer Contra Camp, I think it's a fair
assumption that same role swing is equally acceptable/desirable to opposite
role swing, but the objection was in the context of mainstream dances.  You
will run into it sometimes anyway with neighbors dancing cross-role, but it
isn't up to an organizer or caller to push it "'cause it's good for ya!"
 like making your kid to eat his Brussels sprouts.

The dance in question could be done with alternate neighbors swinging in
the middle instead of alternate gents/ladies.  In ECD I think the term
would be first and second corners, but I don't know an equivalent way to
call it in contra.

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