Jeanette asked:

> I am designing workshop for a dance weekend here in Australia and would
> like to crowd source some inspiration:
> Simply answer the question - what made you addicted to contra?

Interesting.  I am not all that sure what you mean by "addicted."  Here in
the USA that word has negative connotations for many people.

Well, I think of a "contra dance enthusiast" as someone who attended six or
more contra dance events within the last year.  I fit that description.
But what is a contra "addict?"  What comes to mind is the image of someone
who not only attends regular contra dances, but who also attends workshops,
camps, festivals, or special events--particularly someone who pays air
fares or drives for many hours to attend such events.  (A pathological
interpretation might mean someone who cannot control their urge to dance
contras?  Or someone who's job or family life is becoming dysfunctional
because of their addiction?  But I assume you do not mean that.)

I, personally, don't attend weekends, workshops, or special events.  (I may
be an exception on this list in that respect.)  I did those kind of events
for about the first ten years of dancing but I have been "clean" now for
over a decade.  So I'm not sure I would qualify to answer your question.

I suspect there are folks on this list who do not dance contras that
often.  Some favor squares, English Country dancing, or some other dance

Who is the audience for your workshop?  Are they, themselves, "addicts?"

Just wondering.

Greg McKenzie

West Coast, USA

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