I've been dancing & calling for almost 40 years, and I lived with Romani and 
other travelling peoples in England and Ireland for most of the 1980s.  Times 
change and meanings change, and it's time to change this.  Some people consider 
this the equivalent of using the "N" word. Within the community it can be used 
in certain contexts even with pride, but use by outsiders to describe a move 
like this could be considered highly offensive.  AND please note that the name 
is not the only thing that could be considered offensive about this move.  The 
offense will not go away until callers stop instructing people to flirt with 
each other.  "Stare longingly into the eyes..." of that total stranger?  YUCH.  
Yes, I find the call and the move offensive on several levels, to the extent 
that I never call it, and will not join in a dance that I know includes it.     

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