You want to avoid letting him pair up with a new dancer, so you might indeed 
want to have a confidential chat with the regular ladies who are also good 
leads, and see if they are willing to take turns dancing with him. 
Some techniques for his partners: Walk the swing and stop early to face in. 
Turn 1.5 allemandes into half allemandes or pull bys. Turn free moves into 
"with hands" moves where possible. Ask your caller to suggest that everyone try 
a hey with hands if the timing is tight. Or turn a hey for four into a hey for 
three, with you and he acting as a unit. That works for half heys as well. Just 
cross the set together, dodging the other two dancers. If he's hopelessly 
behind each time through, consider skipping B2 and set up for the next 
repetition. Maybe concentrate on getting him comfortable with the first part of 
the sequence. 
Is he aware of his "rock in the stream of the dance" status? The answer to this 
might affect how much adaptation he will accept. 
Do keep in mind that it takes a certain amount of courage to try something new 
and challenging, particularly as an individual rather than a couple. 
And one or more of the organizers should chat with him at the break. It would 
be useful to find out if he has a physical challenge. On Mar 6, 2017 3:13 PM, 
Marie-Michèle Fournier via Callers <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>    Lately a new dancer has started coming to our dance and he is bad enough 
> that he will often make the set break if the dance is moderately challenging. 
> He seems to have some kind of impairment and walks very stiffly which means 
> he will often not be on time for a figure and also often does not remember 
> what is coming next.
>   We want to be inclusive but at the same time his presence negatively 
> impacts other dancers in his set and while some of the experienced dancers 
> will take one for the team and dance with him, it is an unpleasant experience 
> to be his partner. Unfortunately, we always have many new dancers and having 
> one couple not be where they should be can really throw them off in some 
> dances so I feel like I have to push and pull him around to be on time, 
> despite the fact that it's a little rude.
>    A recent caller to our dance called him a "speed bump" which was quite 
> accurate. I'm sure other dances have had experience with similar troubles, 
> does anyone have advice on how to deal with this so that other dancers still 
> have a good time yet we are nice to this problematic dancer?
> Thank you
> Marie
> ContraMontreal

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