On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, John Sparks wrote:

> There is at least one other person on this list in the area.  I live in
> Monument.

Very cool!  Looks like we've got someone in nearly every town up the front
range.  Ken Watson is up in Ft. Collins.  He does wet plate Collodian, and
has been building cameras to support that habit.  Ed Rasmussen is in
Laramie and builds kite cameras.

> I would think rubberized cordura nylon would be similar to stuff used
> for raincoats.  Fairly smooth and slippery.

Raincoats yes, but smooth and slippery no.  The stuff I have is a very
matte black on the outside.  The inside, rubberized surface is a light
grey rubber.  The stuff was available in a maroon, red, blue, green, grey,

> I've thought about Ultra-suede for a bellows but figured it was too thick.

Yes, that was what I decided too.

> Do you know what width the fabric comes in?

I think the stuff I got came in the standard bolt width (1 yard?).  If I
get back down there sometime, I'll check to make sure I've got the name
and sizes correct.

One thing you can also consider is that the outer covering doesn't have to
be completely light tight "by itself".  It helps for this to be as light
tight as possible, but a few very small pinholes are probably not terribly
significant.  You have to remember that you will be laminating this stuff
with the stiffeners and inner liner, and that it is the complete sandwich
that must be light tight.  I've even tried adding a layer of aluminum foil
to the sandwich before.  That works if you are really paranoid <grin>.

- Wayde

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