At 07:19 PM 6/6/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi Andy,
>  I hate to reveal my stupidity, but just how does one use this 5" wide 
> film?  Are there 5" roll film backs available to fit 4 x 5 
> Graflok?  Seems to me that the only cameras I have ever heard of which 
> used such a film were aerial cameras...RKS

…one builds a rather large circular film holder,
5" by approximately 32 feet in diameter.
mount a lens/camera on a set of motorized
wheels, and have this "camera/lens" follow
the circumference of your home-made
film-holder track.

then, of course, we must consider the developing
printing and display of this mega-panoramic

oops, sorry, tasted too much beer today...


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