Hi Matt
I believe that most modern cold lights use a form of neon tubes in lew of
florescent tubes. I have owned both a regular cold light from Zone VI and
there variable contrast head with the blue and green tubes. I have thought
many times about stopping at the neon sign manufacturing business here in
the town I live in but haven't gotten around to it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Mengel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cameramakers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 7:20 AM
Subject: [Cameramakers] Speed Graphic Enlarger

> Thanks everyone on the suggestions for the Graflok
> back. In Ansel Adams' book "The Negative" he has
> drawings of a homemade diffuser enlarger using anti
> flicker "special" flourescent tubes as a light source.
> Anyone have any info on something like this? The book
> has a good diagram but not much detail on
> construction.
> I'd like to make the stuff myself as opposed to buying
> a cold light. But it's good to have the Graflok thing
> to fall back on. Would a good light box be a good
> starting point? For parts that is.
>                             Cheers,
>                                Matt
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