Are you sure you want to make an iris diaphragm?  The thin metal leaves are 
easy or hard, depending on your method.  I would etch them out of metal 
foil.  However, there are pins at the end of the leaves and at one end the 
pins run in tiny slits.  You will have fun making all those slits, though 
they can be made by filing and drilling.  Wouldn't it be better to find a 
scrap shutter or lens with a diaphrgm and "borrow" it?


At 21:18 27.08.02 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello fellow afflicted;
>I was wondering if anyone on the list might have a schematic laying around
>for leaf apertures, e.g. enlarging lens apertures (remember the opening
>credits of the early 007 movies, with james bond moving around and the
>aperture following him?   : )
>anyway, i am interested in scaling up (way up) an aperture assembly, and i
>don't want to take apart my relatively perfect Schneider - Kreuznach Componon
>1:5,6 / 360mm to find out.
>I have a few crummy Kodak 50mm enlarging lenses, but they are pretty tiny,
>and it might be easier if i had something i could scan & enlarge for my
>template. I am willing to reimburse to circumvent the learning curve.
>thank you!
>Cameramakers mailing list

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