Greetings group,


I am thinking about converting a 14x18 or so process camera into an enlarger for my 8x10 and possibly also my 7x17 negatives.  The primary purpose is to make enlarged negatives for contact printing.


I was wondering if I could get some thoughts on what copy camera would be the best to start with?  There are vertical cameras, and horizontal cameras by various makers out there.  I can see an advantage to a horizontal camera, except that the space may be a problem, and I would need to use some kind of vacuum easel.


Anyone have any specific recommendations for the ‘best’ camera to start with?  I expect that I may have to go to Ebay for the camera, as I’m in a fairly rural area, but I will try the local printers around here once I have an idea in mind.


Also, I need to figure out an inexpensive light source to start with.  I have seen the archives, and expect that a fluorescent head will be a decent way to start, although not the cheapest.  Anyone try to take several halogen worklights and add a mixing chamber to make a light source?


I’m new to this ng, but I have searched the archives, and I find there are many friendly, and ingenious people on the group.



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