Le vendredi, 9 mars 2012 à 20:11, Sylvain Le Gall a écrit :

> >  
> > Document "reference"
> > Title: "Xmlm's documentation and module reference"
> > Format: html
> > Index: Xmlm.html
> > Install: true
> > DataFiles: doc/*.html, doc/*.css
> >  
> > Document "distribution"
> > Title: "Xmlm's distribution information files"
> > Install: true
> >  
> > Maybe a kind of enumerated Kind: field could give more information about 
> > the nature of the documents. That said, oasis still seems to be a little 
> > bit schizophrenic about installation: on one hand it shouldn't install, on 
> > the other hand it seems to offer fields to perform installation duties.
> I am probably off-topic, because I don't understand by what you mean
> by "on one hand it shouldn't install, on the other hand it seems to
> offer fields to perform installation duties." ?

I was meaning in general. If oasis is supposed to be descriptive (in the sense 
here you have an executable, here you have a library, here you have 
documentation), why does it have a field like InstallDir for documents ? Why do 
we have something like XCustomInstall: cp XYZ; I mean understand why we have 
it, but shouldn't its usage be discouraged ?  

Now the Document sections I wrote above don't do anything for now but it seems 
to me that  

1) It has the info for a potential downstream packager e.g. cp `oasis query 
2) It has the info for the thing I choose to manage the oasis -install  

I hope that one day, that 2) will be able to its thing and push it at the right 
place (being it inside sitelib or not !). Isn't that a better approach than 
using XCustomInstall or InstallDir ? Should I do it differently ?
Maybe the only thing that is missing in an agreement like you have for 
SourceRepository: this, head. to better caracterize the actual bits of 
documentation that are being described (b.t.w I added a Document samples with 

> But maybe what you miss here,
> is that it is meant to build documentation.

Yes, if eventually there's a system that is able to integerates these odocl why 
not. For now I don't see any advantage and I prefer to distribute them 
statically. One reason is that since all my documentation is in inside the 
.mlis I think its nice if someone just want to have a look at the docs that he 
doesn't need to build anything (e.g. if the lib has many deps).   



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