Le jeudi, 8 mars 2012 à 23:26, Sylvain Le Gall a écrit :

> Do you think it make sense to include this at the beginning of setup.ml ?
I just don't see myself using setup.ml during developement, I use a light 
("funny" to quote Gabriel Scherer) shell script that has a few targets and 
falls back to ocamlbuild if nothing matches.  

That way if I quickly want to compile something (e.g. type checking a module) I 
can just ./build module.cmo. Want to test something, just create test.ml and 
invoke ./build test.native. If I had to use setup.ml I would first have to 
write a lot of things into that _oasis file only to remove them later.

But setup.ml seems perfectly fine to me as a standard build script for 
distribution, keep the focus on that.  


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