Impressive work.

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Magnus Holm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ===
> 1. Camping on Rack
> ===
> I've just finished rewriting Camping to use Rack in the "core". I got rid
> of
> (a little less) than 1kB in camping.rb and removed lots of un-necessary
> files
> (lib/server/*.rb, fastcgi.rb & mongrel.rb).
> bin/camping does now only provide WEBrick, Mongrel and console-support and
> should only be used in development. It uses Rack::ShowExceptions to catch
> error outside the app and I've also written a middleware for faking
> X-Sendfile. For production you should create a rackup-file or setup Rack in
> some other way:
>  #!/usr/bin/env rackup
>  # Auto-detects CGI & FastCGI
>  # Start mongrel with: ./ -s mongrel -p 3301
>  require 'blog'
>  Blog.create
>  run Blog
> Some notes:
> * Branch:
> * You have to rename camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb in order to run
> apps.
> * You're app is also a Rack-app  (aka respond_to?(:call))
> * I'm using Rack::Request (@request) and Rack::Response (@response)
> * Status, headers and body must be set using @status, @headers and @body,
>  not @response.status, @response.headers or @response.body
> * @headers is a Rack::Utils::HeaderHash
> * @root, @input and @cookies behaves equally; @env is gone
> * You can delete cookies with @response.delete_cookie("key")
> * Set cookies with @cookies.key = ":)" or @response.set_cookie("key", ":)")
> * You can also pass a Hash when you're setting cookies:
>  @cookes.key = {:value => ":)", :expires => + 3600, :path =>
> '/app'}
> * I've removed #qsp, #un and #escape. Use Rack::Utils instead
> * This should close #104, #130 and #153

These API changes sound reasonable to me.

> ===
> 2. ORM-agnostic?
> ===
> What about making Camping ORM-agnostic? If it's only AR which requires
> glue,
> we can just rename camping/db.rb to camping/ar.rb - if not we have to add
> camping/og.rb, camping/dm.rb, camping/sequel.rb etc too.

Fine w/ me.

> ===
> 3. Cookie Sessions as default
> ===
> What do you think about using Cookie Sessions instead of database-based by
> default (in camping/sessions.rb)? It's much lighter and makes it simpler to
> create apps without database. It also helps making Camping ORM-agnostic.
> I've fixed this in the cookie_session-branch (requires Rack) available at
> (highly based on
> Jenna's work)

As long as you organize the code such that it's easy to switch between
session storage schemes, I think this is fine.

> 4. Renaming camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb?
> ===
> I haven't touched camping.rb at all, do we really need to prove that it's a
> micro-framework? It just makes development/releasing harder. Let's just
> forget
> about the abridged version and rename camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb!

Perlvert that I am, I respected the 4KB obfuscation.  (Maybe that's just
me.  ;-)
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