I added some basic material to the GitHub Camping Wiki (new pages):

...because I'm starting with a vanilla OS X Leopard install (new MacBook) and - finally - Camping 1.9, and I thought it would be a good test run to go through the setup and tutorial process in the 'Camping book':
to find any gotchas.

Only one (in my setup) - on 'Wrapping it up', in the Controllers:
  class Pages
needs the explicit
  class Pages < R '/'
to show the pages... anyone not have the same issue?

Thinking about existing stuff, some time ago Magnus wrote:

As for the documentation ideas, I've already implemented the templates in RDoc, so "rake docs" builds all the three parts (the book is simply files in the book directory). I still need to make a way to link book chapters from the reference, but at least it's working. A Camping app can be useful when you want to edit it, so you don't need to run the rake task all the time.

The book dir on GitHub doesn't have all the current content found at:
or in the Camping install (unless I'm daft, which is possible) so where can the current book files be obtained?

I guess we could also implement it as a wiki, which might be better. Then we can't have it on camping.rubyforge.org (unless we can change the DNS-settings) though since it only allows static files. What do you think? I prefer having everything in files, and I think those who really want to contribute to the book wouldn't mind a "git clone"...

I don't think there was a response at the time Magnus wrote this, so (given whywentcamping.com, which would be a separate exercise): ideas, opinions, anyone? Be really good to have camping.rubyforge.org updated, and I'm ready to pitch in, but how to start?

Dave Everitt

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