Hi Mayala,

Am Montag, den 17.01.2011, 12:55 +0300 schrieb Mayala Mwendesha:
> Hi Robert,
> my user name is 'mmwendesha'. without single quotes

Right now the user seems not known by sf.net. I will try later to add
you as developer to this project. When have you signed on?
It shows me "User does not exist."

> when i asked a CURD(Create, Read, Update and Delete as explained by  
> Robert) module i meant a simple module to help new developer
> to get started by learning it. as i know documentation is a problem in  
> open source development by now!.
> hence if new developer like me have something to help them to learn to  
> develop from a simple example.
> would reduce their learning curve.

You're right. All what I can see of individual customary is that mostly
the way of using API (or not/different/additionally) or ADOdb (or
not/different) are sometimes really solved without it - or partially or

I will look for it as far I have a bit space in my schedule. If there is
anyone who would help me by this documentation?

> > The current "CURD" module what we're using in care2x 2.x is by using the
> > own API framework and smarty. care2x ver 3.x will use different way of
> > it.
>    Now your coming! I meant a module/documentation to show a new developer  
> how to use thes API and Smarty in steady of reverting the wheel.
> If care2x ver 3.x will use different way hope would come with this  
> suggestion

Sure. There will be some different options given then. 

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