As I said previously, there past some time that I do not follow closely Care2x.

After reading the Tim's email...

>From my experience in another sourceforge project, there are different 
and none exclusionary.

Some stages could be:

1a) The first is to tune the latest version that works (ie: care2014).
(This requires commitment from all members of Care2x)

1b) Post (publish) this version as stable

1c) only make bug fixes in this version or delayed comit additions 
Enable the automatic publication as nightly (every night) to access the latest 
changes/bug fixes.

2a) Simultaneously do a fork over to the new version which will carry the
    major changes.
(Here I would like to propose real modularization of the project) 
This will help you get the best possible module even if belonging to another 
external project

2b) Continue with bug fixes to regain functionality like (care2014)

3) Reevaluate what has been done. 

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