For those of you who are new to CAS and looking for some help, in addition
to Carl's task list (for lack of a better word), I have been making this
available for anyone who wants it:

It's NOT official, and it's not the only way to do things, but it's pretty
verbose and step-by-step.

I just updated it the other day with my initial work on doing some high
availability stuff with MongoDb, so it's up-to-date with CAS 5.2.2-SNAPSHOT.




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[image: The New School]

On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 2:08 PM, Matthew Uribe <>

> Jan,
> I have to say, as another new arrival to the CAS world, that I agree with
> your statements, and wish I would have encountered your post several weeks
> ago. I appreciate the link to guide, and hope that others will find it
> earlier in their journey than I did.
> Also, I want to thank all who have contributed directly to the project, as
> well as here in the group.
> On Monday, October 30, 2017 at 7:50:43 AM UTC-6, Jan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As a new user of CAS, I'd like to voice my opinion that the official
>> documentation of how one can get started with CAS is just awful. By this I
>> mean not the lack of it, but rather how indirect, not step-by-step it is.
>> Clarity could often be improved too.
>> In the end I managed to do what I hoped for, ie investigate CAS locally
>> as an SSO solution, for which I needed to (1) run CAS server locally, (2)
>> connect and authenticate using a simple CAS client locally, (3) run the
>> service management app. However, the difficulty I had at most steps of
>> getting it all to work make me really want to use something else even if I
>> have to implement parts of it from scratch..
>> Only now, when wanting to post this message, did I find this helpful
>> guide: Could the CAS
>> team incorporate some step-by-step tutorial like this into the official
>> documentation?
>> These threads seem to voice a similar concern:
>> user/documentation/cas-user/z3BLJ0IQwZ0/wRybEK1LAQAJ
>> user/documentation/cas-user/qaAINooFi1s/D3k7Pr-7BQAJ
>> I'm also posting the notes I made for myself during the process. I
>> wouldn't have written them if there was something like this available in
>> official docs, or I had found the unofficial guide earlier. I'm adding ****
>> to points that took me particularly long to figure out.
>> *Building*
>> - Described here:
>> eveloper/Build-Process.html
>> - git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch=master 
>> cas-server
>> - cd cas-server
>> - git checkout master
>> - ./gradlew build install --parallel -x test -x javadoc -x check
>> *Config*
>> - Default config dir is /etc/cas/config (may need to be created, given
>> permissions) If you create in there, CAS seems to
>> pick them up. ****
>> - You can override in there any properties listed on
>> uration-Properties.html
>> *Keys*
>> - keytool -genkey -alias cas -keyalg RSA -validity 999 -keystore
>> /etc/cas/thekeystore -ext san=dns:cas-sso.local
>> - Add cas-sso.local to /etc/hosts
>> - keytool -export -file /etc/cas/config/cas.crt -keystore
>> /etc/cas/thekeystore -alias cas
>> - sudo keytool -import -file /etc/cas/config/cas.crt -alias cas -keystore
>> $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts (default password to cacerts is
>> changeit)
>> - Add the following lines to in CAS config dir
>> (with whatever password you set up for /etc/cas/thekeystore) ****
>> server.ssl.keyStorePassword=qwer1234
>> server.ssl.keyPassword=qwer1234
>> *Adding JSON service registry (to get a sample client registered)*
>> - Add line >>compile "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-sup
>> port-json-service-registry:5.2.0-SNAPSHOT"<< to the file
>> cas-server/webapp/cas-server-webapp-tomcat/build.gradle, replacing
>> 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT with whatever version of CAS you have. The version can be
>> figured out after starting CAS (is displayed). ****
>> - Recompile the whole thing as above.
>> - Add the following lines to in CAS config dir:
>> ****
>> cas.serviceRegistry.watcherEnabled=true
>> cas.serviceRegistry.repeatInterval=10
>> cas.serviceRegistry.startDelay=1
>> cas.serviceRegistry.initFromJson=true
>> - Add json file with service defs in directory
>> cas-server/webapp/resources/services (the server seems to display which
>> directory it watches after start).
>> {
>>   "@class" : "",
>>   "serviceId" : "http://localhost/.*";, ****
>>   "name" : "testId",
>>   "id" : 1,
>>   "accessStrategy" : {
>>   "@class" : "
>> egy",
>>   "enabled" : true,
>>   "ssoEnabled" : true
>>   }
>> }
>> *Getting access to /status/dashboard endpoint *****
>> - Add the following lines to in CAS config dir:
>> cas.adminPagesSecurity.ip=127\.0\.0\.1
>> cas.monitor.endpoints.enabled=true
>> cas.monitor.endpoints.sensitive=false
>> *Running*
>> - cd webapp/cas-server-webapp-tomcat
>> - ../../gradlew build bootRun --parallel
>> *Simple client*
>> - git clone
>> - cd phpCAS
>> - Copy docs/examples/config.example.php to docs/examples/config.php and
>> edit:
>> // Full Hostname of your CAS Server
>> $cas_host = 'cas-sso.local';
>> // Context of the CAS Server
>> $cas_context = '/cas';
>> // Port of your CAS server. Normally for a https server it's 443
>> $cas_port = 8443;
>> - Make the file docs/examples/example_simple.php accessible by www.
>> - Navigate to http://localhost/phpCAS/docs/examples/example_simple.php
>> *Service management app*
>> - Based on
>> - git clone
>> - cd cas-services-management-overlay
>> - ./ package
>> - This creates target/cas-management.war, which should be deployed to
>> Tomcat. Make sure Tomcat uses the same Java as CAS server. Otherwise, it
>> won't find the SSL keys in the Java truststore. ****
>> - On first run, it copies various files from cas/config into
>> /etc/cas/config. You may want to update as follows,
>> in particular:
>> # CAS server that management app will authenticate with
>> # This server will authenticate for any app (service) and you can login
>> as casuser/Mellon
>> https://cas-sso.local:8443/
>> cas.server.prefix: https://cas-sso.local:8443/cas
>> cas.mgmt.adminRoles[0]=ROLE_ADMIN
>> cas.mgmt.userPropertiesFile=file:/etc/cas/config/
>> # Update this URL to point at server running this management app
>> cas.mgmt.serverName=http://localhost:8080
>> server.context-path=/cas-management
>> server.port=8080
>> logging.config=file:/etc/cas/config/log4j2-management.xml
>> - http://localhost:8080/cas-management
>> *Conclusions*
>> - Really painful to set up.
>> - CAS documentation is very unclear, tons of linked documents, not sure
>> where to find information.
>> - Wonder if better to do OAuth2 even if redirecting to Google / FB needs
>> to be implemented from scratch.
>> ---
>> With all that, thank you for writing and maintaining this software. It
>> does seem like a good choice for SSO solutions - but the initial learning
>> curve shouldn't be quite so sharp.
>> Jan
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