Hi, Jack,

Are the tools are optimizing for area instead of speed?  Are you using Pblocks?

I don't know if this is relevant to your situation, but I've run into 
annoyances when the tools use "equivalent register removal" to save a few 
flip-flops but end up causing fan-out/routing issues.  That can be turned off, 
but it's a synthesis option so if you want to apply it to a System Generator 
netlist, you have to use the "resynth_netlist" Matlab function from the casper 
library to re-synthesize the entire netlist.


On Dec 4, 2014, at 10:48 AM, Jack Hickish wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is something I've been fighting with for a while now, and I wonder if 
> anyone on this maillist has any insight (because I'm pretty sure I may just 
> be doing something wrong with the tools).
> The problem:
> I'm playing with a ROACH2 design that (sometimes) compiles at 312 MHz. 
> However, every now and then I'll make a small change to the design and the 
> compile will fail timing catastrophically, with paths failing sometimes with 
> -2 ns (or worse) slack.
> When I look at the failing path(s), the delays are usually ~80% routing. I'll 
> see a signal take a huge detour to use a shift register in some arbitrary 
> location on the chip. Upon closer inspection of the relevant SRL, it appears 
> that the LUT concerned is being used for two signal paths, one on the O5 
> output, one on the O6. The result seems to be that it is poorly placed for 
> both it's roles.
> I'm only using ~50% of the slices and about 30% of the registers / luts on 
> the FPGA, and there are plenty of sensibly located SLICEMs the placer could 
> use if it so desired. I've switched lut combining off (with the -lt flag), in 
> planahead which doesn't seem to have made any difference.
> Can anyone offer me any words of advice / wisdom which might reduce my 
> confusion at what's going on (or, even better, help me solve the problem)?
> Despairingly yours,
> Jack

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