
Thank you, “pip install .” worked, i.e. the installed casperfpga code is the 
same as the cloned casperfpga code. And I’m now able to write uint up to 2^32 – 
1 to the software regs.

It’s probably worth noting that version 0.1.1 installed when I did "pip install 
casperfpga", while version 0.4.4 installed when I did “pip install .” That 
seems like a big change, 0.3.3 to be exact ☺.  Anyways, folks going through the 
tutorials should note that “write_int” did not work with large integers in v 
0.1.1,  but works perfectly in v 0.4.4. That stumped me for a while.

I might try a pull request to note some of this in the documentation, see how 
that works.

Cheers -- Jeff

From: Jonathon Kocz <>
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [casper] FW: casperfpga screenshots

Hi Jeff,

I'd have to check up on the write_int/_uint functionality, but in terms of 
versions, what I think might be happening is:

If you follow the readthedocs instructions exactly, it's installing the 
required packages (requirements.txt) and then installing the version of 
casperfpga registered with pip (which is not up to date with the casperfpga 
source, but should be stable).

If you want to install from the source you downloaded, you could "pip install 
." from the casperfpga directory after installing the requirements (instead of 
"pip install casperfpga"), and that should build and install from the local 


On Fri, 6 Aug 2021 at 08:14, 'Kobesky, Jeffrey CIV USN NRL (5555) Washington DC 
(USA)' via<> 
<<>> wrote:

I’ve followed the casperfpga install directions found here using pip:

Bewildering to me, my pip-installed casperfpga does not match my cloned 
casperfpga (from casper-astro repo).  See “try” statement in attachments, they 
are different.  Does anyone know how that could happen, how did my struct.pack 
statement get commented out during the pip install?  Does anyone recognize the 
comment “# Breaking backwards compatibility” in the “pip_installed” attachment?

Note I came across this because I can’t seem to write a 32 bit unsigned integer 
to the yellow block software register using “write_int”.  The max number I can 
write without getting error is 2^31 – 1, which seems to suggest my number entry 
is being interpreted as a signed integer.  Looking at the “write_int” code, it 
seems the (‘>i’ if integer < 0 else ‘>I’, integer) argument should sort that 
out, but for some reason it’s commented out in the 

Any help is greatly appreciated, I don’t understand how the installed source 
code could be different than the cloned source code.  Maybe something about pip 
or git that I don’t understand?

Thanks again – Jeff

Jeffrey Kobesky
Electronics Engineer, Naval Research Laboratory
O: (202) 404-7109     M: (443) 243-1554
OS:  Pop!_OS 18.04 LTS (derived from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)
Vivado 19.1.1    MATLAB 2018a    mlib_devel branch:  master
Python 2.7 for casperfpga and 3.6 running in (casper_venv) for toolflow
Devices:  Red Pitaya, SKARAB

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