Hi Wang,

When editing your `/etc/exports` file, did you include the text “# Share 
‘roach_boot’” in the file for the line you included in your message?

 # Share 'roach_boot' directory/srv/roach_boot,subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure)

If you did, try removing it so that line in your `/etc/exports` is just:


If your `/etc/exports` is as this line above, the only other thought I have is 
it might sound like you may have forgotten to save the file after editing 
before running `exportfs -a`. The reason being is that the error message 
“Neither ’subtree_check’ or ’no_subtree_check’ specified…” is suggesting that 
NFS could not find that option and so the file either had a syntax error, or 
just wasn’t there (not yet saved).

Just a thought, hope this helps. Good luck!


On Jun 8, 2022, at 8:52 AM, Wang 
<sandang19990...@gmail.com<mailto:sandang19990...@gmail.com>> wrote:

      How's it going? I'm using ubuntu14.04.
      I had some problems setting up the ROACH netboot.

  *   First, sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common.
  *   Second, sudo gedit /etc/exports,and add the lines:

   # Share 'roach_boot' directory/srv/roach_boot,subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure)

  *   The last, exportfs -a
  *    At this time, the terminal displays:

sandang@wz-sandang:/etc$ sudo exportfs -a
exportfs: No options for to NFS: suggest NFS(sync) to avoid warning
exportfs: /etc/exports [1]: Neither 'subtree_check' or 'no_subtree_check' 
specified for
export "NFS:to".
Assuming default behaviour ('no_subtree_check').
NOTE: this default has changed since nfs-utils version 1.0.x

     May I ask what are the reasons for these?
     I would be really appreciated if you reply!

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