I imagine you weren't talking to the right developers.  :D  Cassandra
was open sourced last year.


On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Todd English <tengl...@popcap.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> We were just at Facebook talking to some of its developers and asked
> them about Cassandra. The people in the room had no idea what we were
> talking about. One of them mentioned that they open sourced the Facebook
> "data store" three years ago but it was awful and no longer used
> internally. I'm wondering if we were talking to the wrong developers, if
> the "data store" was some other project or was/is it Cassandra.
> I see that Facebook is listed in the "Powered by" section but am unsure
> what to make of our meeting.
> Thank you for any insight you can provide,
> Todd English

Joe Van Dyk

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