At Mon, 28 Sep 2009 17:04:04 -0500,
Michael Greene <> wrote:
> You must have been talking to the wrong developers.
> Facebook open-sourced Cassandra in early 2008.  In August 2008 they
> wrote about this publically, at
> where they
> state:
> "First deployment of Cassandra system within Facebook was for the
> Inbox search system. The system currently stores TB’s of indexes
> across a cluster of 600+ cores and 120+ TB of disk space. Performance
> of the system has been well within our SLA requirements and more
> applications are in the pipeline to use the Cassandra system as their
> storage engine."
> Although they are no longer actively involved in the open source
> project, the original developers from Facebook are still actively
> developing Cassandra and on rare occasions give input to the open
> source project.
> Michael

But how in cassandra now make a sharding by nodes?

For example: I have a six nodes and I need make a 2 copy of data and
sharding data by all cluster. For example all nodes of my cluster stay
on one dc.

How do it?

wbr, Kirill

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